Stillbirth Led Robert Munsch to Write Love You Forever

Have you read Robert Munsch’s book, Love You Forever? Do you know the story behind it? I’ve owned a copy of Love You Forever my whole life, but I didn’t understand the impetus behind the book until my sister-in-law sent me a message with the link to Munsch’s website. That’s where I learned that the author penned the song in Love You Forever after his wife had two stillborn babies.

“I’ll love you forever,

I’ll like you for always,

as long as I’m living

my baby you’ll be.”

Munsch could not actually sing the song for a long time because of the strong emotions that came up when he tried. He eventually wrote the song into a book that he had intended as a children’s story but to the surprise of Munsch, and his publishers, the story appealed to people of all ages. Personally, I am not surprised. I read the book as a child, as a teen and as an adult and it speaks to me at every stage of my life. I can actually picture myself getting misty eyed with it as an old granny.

Love You Forever Robert Munsch book photos copyright Alexis Marie Chute Wanted Chosen Planned 2 blog

When I think about the song from Love You Forever, it truly resonates with the mother-love I have in my heart for my children – all three of them, those present and the one out of reach.

Physical presence on this earth does not equate a greater quantity of love. Just because our children that died are not with us in skin-and-bone-and-touch sort of ways does not diminish our love for them. I’m sure you reading this post, like me, echo Munsch’s sentiment to his lost children, “I’ll love you forever.”

Love You Forever Robert Munsch book photos copyright Alexis Marie Chute Wanted Chosen Planned 1 blog

Life is so cyclical and precious. One generation eventually replaces another, children grow and grey and pass their stories on to others. There is an inherent sadness in this; a longing that all the good in the world would last forever and a lament at its eventual passing. On the other hand, the cycle of life and death bring freshness, new eyes, renewed energy, growth.

Death, inescapable as it is, should not be feared – but instead be regarded as a right, a passage, a voyage, a metamorphosis, an evolution, a journey, a step towards or away or upwards…

LOVE is what penetrates this cyclical

process of life and death.

Love transcends all.

Love never ends.

Love never fails.


Love letters, even those removed many generations from now, still drip of the nectar of devotion. Photographs of deceased family cause warmth of love and remembrance in the heart in the living who look on. When I think of all the people who passed before me – the grandparents, friends, my son – I still love them just the same.

Love You Forever is even more special for me after learning of Munsch’s stillbirths. This knowledge makes his words all the wiser. I am very thankful that he shared the background of the story.

What do you like about Love You Forever?


  1. Patti
    Jan 28, 2014

    I have always felt a special connection to this story – maybe because I knew the stroy behind the story. If you ever see him live – he always lowers the lights so that the moms and dads can have the safety to be emotional. My husband and I sobbed the first time we heard him read it live.

    • Alexis Marie
      Jan 28, 2014

      I can imagine how emotional it would be to hear Munsch read it live. Actually, I don’t know if I want to imagine it. Even though the life cycle goes on in the book, Love You Forever is still very sad. It’s like our whole lives literally passes before our eyes.

      • Patti
        Jan 28, 2014

        The first time we heard him was just months after we lost Suzanne. My husband and I were NOT a pretty site – grateful for the lights turned down- also grateful to be able to share it

        • Alexis Marie
          Jan 29, 2014

          Wow, the timing of everything must have been intense. You’d have every right to be a mess. How many years ago was that?

  2. Sandy Rysavy
    Jan 28, 2014

    Alexis, Love You Forever has always been a favorite of mine as well. A couple years ago we borrowed the audiobook CD of a collection of Robert Munsch stories from the library to listen to on a road trip with our boys. In an insert in the CD was the explanation behind each book including Love You Forever. I wept as I heard Robert Munsch read that story aloud. Of course it all has even more meaning to me since the loss of our baby last year.
    If you would like to hear him sing the song, that audiobook CD is available at the EPL.
    Hugs to you.

    • Alexis Marie
      Jan 29, 2014

      Thanks Sandy! I’m sure many people, besides just me, appreciate to know about the audio at the library.
      How are you doing since your baby died?

      • Sandy Rysavy
        Jan 30, 2014

        Doing pretty well, thanks for asking. I think of that baby often and still talk about it with my other children.
        This new baby I’m carrying is due in 8 weeks. I’m looking forward to having a little one to hold and also to be done with pregnancy. As enjoyable and beautiful as pregnancy is, I’ve done it now 4.5 times over and my body is screaming back at me that it needs a break 🙂

        • Kristie
          Jun 16, 2014

          Hope you are doing well with the new baby. I never realized what this book was about until my husband and I lost our 28 day old baby to a rare genetic disease called HLH and I was searching for company. We were advised not to try again though we had 5 perfect ultrasounds and non stress tests, everything was perfect and he was full term. Our little Jack is in heaven now and we must move on to adoption but when I can read this book again, it will mean much more to me

          • Alexis Marie
            Jun 19, 2014

            Hi Kristie,
            I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. Jack is a great name. I’m sure you miss him very much. 28 days old… That’s heartbreaking. Thank you for being open about your experience – that’s brave.
            How is the adoption process going? I’m sure there will be challenges but it’ll be worth it.
            Thanks so much for commenting.
            Wishing you all the best,
            Alexis Marie

          • Alexis Marie Chute
            Nov 22, 2014

            Thank you so much for your comment Kristie, and for sharing your story. My heart goes out to you and your family. Jack will be dearly missed I’m sure. I cannot imagine losing a baby at 28 days… I wish I could give you a hug.
            It makes sense that you will not be able to read the Munsch book for a while. It is a trigger for you it sounds like. I always got super emotional reading that book – even before Zachary died – and more so now as it literally pictures all the stages I will not have with my son. I know you can relate.
            I wish you all the best as you and your husband work through the adoption process. Please let me know how it goes.
            Big hugs!

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