Why it is Important to Celebrate International Bereaved Mother’s Day

This Sunday, May 1, 2016 is International Bereaved Mother’s Day. 

I look forward to this date with mixed feelings. Maybe you do as well.

International Bereaved Mothers Day Alexis Marie Chute Wanted Chosen Planned still a mom

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Mother’s Day is a celebration, but for many it is a hard reminder of an incredibly painful time. The loss of a child is an experience I would not wish on my worst enemy, yet it is all too common. One in four pregnancies end in miscarriage. One in one-hundred-and-sixty end in stillbirth. More children are lost to SIDS and other causes during infancy. 

These deaths are more than just statistics. They are little fingers that will never learn about the world through touch. They are tiny eyes that wont have the chance to smile every time they see their Mama or Dada. They are giggles and first words and cries for attention and love that will not vibrate in their family’s ears. These children leave whole lives unlived when they pass.

Every life matters. Every child is important – no matter if they are one-week-gestation or one-week-old.

And behind every child, is a mother. A precious mother who had visions for the life of her baby. A mother who’s heart is broken by her loss. A mother who will never be the same again.

We need to celebrate International Bereaved Mother’s Day because:

  • These mothers deserve to be honoured. They have been through so much. Their love is just a real as a mother whose child is alive. They need support. Let us lift them up. Let us lift each other up.
  • The children that have died have made a difference. Their lives matter. They live on in the hearts of those who go on in the world. We can remember them through storytelling.
  • The world needs to know: it is okay to talk about children who have died and the parents that love them. With a loss as common as this, there should be no shame. Mothers, fathers and families need to be blanketed in love after loss.

Please join me this Sunday in a tribute to

Mothers of all kinds. 

I will be posting here on Wanted Chosen Planned and encouraging bereaved Moms on Twitter using the hastag #StillAMom


(You can find me on Twitter using my handle @_Alexis_Marie or by clicking here.)

Join in the conversation. Join with me in celebrating International Mother’s Day.

With love,

Alexis Marie Chute



Remember your baby on the Celebrating Sweeties Page.

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Wanted Chosen Planned founder, Alexis Marie Chute, creates bereavement documentaries.

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Today is International Bereaved Mother’s Day: The Meaning of Motherhood

“Brave New Normal” Documentary, View the Trailer on International Bereaved Mother’s Day

International Bereaved Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 3

Reminder: May 4 is Bereaved Mother’s Day, Download your free badge of honour



  1. Celebrate Moms of All Kinds on International Bereaved Mother's Day - Wanted, Chosen, Planned - […] Why it is important to celebrate International Bereaved Mother’s Day […]

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