Add Your Baby to the Celebrating Sweeties Page this Month

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. It is an incredibly important time to celebrate and honor little lives gone too soon.

Here on Wanted Chosen Planned, we have a very special way to remember babies and older children that have died. It is called Celebrating Sweeties and it is a place where children can be recognized by name, birth and death date and a picture if the parents have one and choose to share it.  If you would like your child to be a part of Celebrating Sweeties, please send this information to Alexis Marie at

I am honored to post a new photo to the Celebrating Sweeties page today – and since Wanted Chosen Planned and Expecting Sunshine are experiencing a butterfly takeover for the month of October, I want to share this new Sweetie with a few friends.


I am thankful for this opportunity to celebrate my own sweetie this month. Zachary would have turned seven-years-old on October 14. With the easing of time my raw grief has begun to heal and I can remember my son at this time of year with a wellspring of joy. Here’s a picture of Zachary:

Here is my Sweetie, my son Zach.


If you want to read more about the Wanted Chosen Planned butterfly takeover, please check out this post.

To read more about the Expecting Sunshine butterfly takeover, read this post.


Thank you for reading! Sending hugs your way,

   –    Alexis Marie Chute

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