Losing Control, Finding Control

Today I am speaking at the second annual Baby Steps Memorial Walk.

It is very special to gather together within a supportive community to celebrate our dearly loved children.

Baby Steps Memorial Walk Alexis Marie Chute Wanted Chosen Planned


My speech is about the idea of control – losing it and finding it.

Here are some thoughts I will be sharing:

“After my son Zachary died four years ago this month, the loss of control I experienced was all encompassing and one of the most debilitating aspects of my grief that held me in a state of sadness for so long. Have you experienced this as well?”


“The loss of control can be scary; it puts us in a position of surrender and vulnerability. Giving up control forces us to accept the mysterious parts of life that will alter our course – without our consent. Yet, what I have learned in life, through all it’s ups and downs, is that the best parts of the human experience cannot be controlled.”


“We cannot re-write our past to save our children. We cannot go back and alter the course that brought us here – but we do have a say in how it defines the people we become.”


“While we cannot control everything that happens to us, nor the most beautiful experiences in life such as love, hope and joy, we can write into our lives the OPPORTUNITIES for these things, opportunities for gratitude, compassion and happiness.”


After the event, I will be posting a video with the complete speech. Watch for it in the next few days.

One more thought:

“Even though you may not understand why your story has brought you to this place, you can determine where you go from here.”


Baby Steps Memorial Walk

Saturday, October 4, 2014

1-4pm, Festival Place, Sherwood Park


Hugs & love.


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